A Masterclass from GM Andrew Hong

The latest leg of the Global Chess League is currently taking place in London and CSC is hosting a series of school events, inviting 30 children each day to watch the action live. Before the Grandmaster games begin, we’re running a series of chess activities with the children, getting them in the mood for seeing some of the world’s top players compete after lunch.

Thomas Buxton Primary School from Whitechapel was the latest to attend and received a real treat - a masterclass from American Grandmaster Andrew Hong. Andrew talked to the children about his journey from beginner to Grandmaster and then demonstrated a game that had made a huge impression on him when his first chess teacher showed it to him many years ago: the famous Opera Game between Paul Morphy and the Duke of Brunswick, playing in consultation with the French aristocrat Comte Isouard de Vauvenargues. Although it’s now over 160 years old, Morphy’s masterpiece remains as instructive as ever and the children learned a lot about the importance of swift development and making sure all their chess pieces full participate in the game.

After Andrew had finished his talk, the children had the chance to put their new knowledge into action, taking him on in a simultaneous display, where he was joined by GMs Nino Batsiashvili and Gawain Jones. As if three grandmasters weren’t enough, there was time for a final photoshoot with former Women’s World Champion Antoaneta Stefanova before the children took their place in the auditorium to watch the upGrand Mumba Masters take on the Ganges Grandmasters. It was an inspiring day for all the children, and something to spur them on in their weekly chess lessons back at school.


GM Gawain Jones on strategic thinking in chess


CSC at the Global Chess League