Chess webinars
Starting in January 2025, CSC will be running a series of 10 chess webinars. These are aimed at children aged 7-13 who know the basic rules of chess and are ready to take the next steps towards learning tactics and strategies. The webinars will be led by Sean Marsh, Chief Trainer for CSC, whose sessions are always fun and engaging. What’s more, they’re completely free of charge.
Each webinar will be delivered twice, so if you miss it on the Tuesday evening, there’s be a second chance to watch it five days later on Sunday evening. There’s no need to sign up and the sessions are drop-ins - you can pick and choose which sessions you attend. They’ll be held on Zoom. Please click on the links below to access the relevant session.
At the end of each of the Sunday webinars, CSC will be hosting a tournament for participants on Lichess. Accounts for Lichess are free and can be created at www.lichess.org. To access our tournaments, join the CSC Online Club here (password CSC2025) and select from the list of the club’s events. You do not need to attend the webinar to take part in the tournament!
For safeguarding reasons, we strongly recommend that parents switch off all chat functions for their children’s Lichess accounts by turning on KidMode in the account's settings. If you prefer, CSC will provide you with an account that is permanently in KidMode - please email Vincent Sagues for details. We recommend that children are always supervised when online. Lichess is a third-party platform; CSC cannot be held responsible for its content, or for a child’s safety when using the site.
Webinar Zoom Links
Week 1: Check, Checkmate and Stalemate: Traps and Fine Finishes
Tuesday 14th January 6pm-7pm, repeated Sunday 19th January 5pm-6pm
Week 2: Pawn Promotion: Breakthroughs and Winning Plans
Tuesday 21st January 6pm-7pm, repeated Sunday 26th January 5pm-6pm
Week 3: Castling: Too Early; Too Late…?
Tuesday 28th January 6pm-7pm, repeated Sunday 2nd February 5pm-6pm
Week 4: Strong Opening Moves: Start Your Games in Style!
Tuesday 4th February 6pm-7pm, repeated Sunday 9th February 5pm-6pm
Week 5: Simple Checkmates: Tricky Ones, Too!
Tuesday 11th February 6pm-7pm, repeated Sunday 16th February 5pm-6pm
2-week break for half-term
Week 6: Attacking Play: Exploit Your Opponent’s Mistakes with Crushing Attacks
Tuesday 4th March 6pm-7pm, repeated Sunday 9th March 5pm-6pm
Week 7: Defensive Technique: Tighten Up Your Defence in Difficult Positions
Tuesday 11th March 6pm-7pm, repeated Sunday 16th March 5pm-6pm
Week 8: Winning Chess Tactics: Forks
Tuesday 18th March 6pm-7pm, repeated Sunday 23rd March 5pm-6pm
Week 9: Winning Chess Tactics: Skewers and Pins
Tuesday 25th March 6pm-7pm, repeated Sunday 30th March 5pm-6pm
Week 10: Queen Sacrifices: Startling Attacks and Fabulous Checkmates
Tuesday 1st April 6pm-7pm, repeated Sunday 6th April 5pm-6pm
Please note: our capacity on Zoom is limited to 100 participants. If the number exceeds that, we will switch to a different platform for the following week. Our apologies in advance for any inconvenience.